Tuesday, December 31, 2013

And now the end is near...

I can't explain why, but I have a feeling 2014 is going to be a great year :)

Happy New Year!!

Monday, December 9, 2013

Maghetta Streghetta

I don't speak Italian, but that hasn't stopped me from falling in love with this cute little drawing created by Iaia Guardo (her "real" name is Grazia, but I LOVE the name Iaia), an incredibly talented Italian blogger (a true artist, I would say). She cooks, she draws, she takes photographs and she's "molto carina"!!

I started following her over a year ago on Instagram and now I cannot wait for her to share her latest wonderful crazy ideas every single day (note: I use the word "crazy" in the most loving and adorable way, believe me). Remember my entry about Mr Wonderful? Well, with Iaia is the same, she always manages to put a huge smile :) on my face... And I love that about people and things!

I bought her recipe book in the Italian Amazon site and it is being difficult to translate (spoken Italian is easier to "follow" and understand!!), but I still love every part (yes, now you've discovered I'm a bit crazy myself).

Her latest creation is a box of candies in collaboration with Pastiglie Leone. I'm not sure yet if I will be able to buy it online, but I sure will try!