Tuesday, December 31, 2013

And now the end is near...

I can't explain why, but I have a feeling 2014 is going to be a great year :)

Happy New Year!!

Monday, December 9, 2013

Maghetta Streghetta

I don't speak Italian, but that hasn't stopped me from falling in love with this cute little drawing created by Iaia Guardo (her "real" name is Grazia, but I LOVE the name Iaia), an incredibly talented Italian blogger (a true artist, I would say). She cooks, she draws, she takes photographs and she's "molto carina"!!

I started following her over a year ago on Instagram and now I cannot wait for her to share her latest wonderful crazy ideas every single day (note: I use the word "crazy" in the most loving and adorable way, believe me). Remember my entry about Mr Wonderful? Well, with Iaia is the same, she always manages to put a huge smile :) on my face... And I love that about people and things!

I bought her recipe book in the Italian Amazon site and it is being difficult to translate (spoken Italian is easier to "follow" and understand!!), but I still love every part (yes, now you've discovered I'm a bit crazy myself).

Her latest creation is a box of candies in collaboration with Pastiglie Leone. I'm not sure yet if I will be able to buy it online, but I sure will try!

Saturday, November 30, 2013

25 random facts about me

I read this from a friend and was amazed to discover that I agreed with 90% of "his facts", so this is basically a copy from his list (Luisvi, I always knew we had soooo many things in common!!).

1. Family is priority #1, #2 and #3. But it's important to know that *blood related* is not the same as *family*. I'm lucky to have family on both sides of the pond!!
2. Some good friends are family too Corazón negro (cartas) Corazón negro (cartas) Corazón negro (cartas) Corazón negro (cartas)
3. Laughter is a basic need... I’m very lucky to know a few people who master this art Cara sonriente (blanco y negro)Cara sonriente (blanco y negro)Cara sonriente (blanco y negro)Cara sonriente (blanco y negro)
4. A good laugh at the right time with the right person can make you discover the meaning of life ツ
5. I firmly believe that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

6. A good car is... Anything with 4 wheels, a motor and a steering wheel that takes someone from point A to point B. I don't like them. I prefer to take the train.
7. I love all kinds of food (except for Brussels sprouts), but I have chosen to be a vegetarian (most of the time).
8. Regrets I‘ve got a few, but then again too few to mention ;)
Seriously, I regret having wasted too much time dreaming about what I’d like to do as opposed to making an effort to make it happen.
9. I struggle to forgive myself for some of the things I've done. It always seems easier to forgive others...
10. I enjoy meeting people and having friends from ALL walks of life…
11. I admire honest people.

12. It is nice to be home, but it's also nice to be everywhere.
13. I have lived in a few different countries/regions and deep down I feel I haven't found my place in the world just yet **sigh**
14. Some people like a certain kind of movies, some other people like all kinds of movies… I don't like terror, but tend to enjoy everything else!
15. I’ve watched ★Star Wars★ over 100 times… I'm pretty sure not everyone can beat this compulsive obsession.
16. I still need to understand why I always hurt the people I love the most.
17. Work is only the means to an end… Nothing more.
18. I've never managed to understand the *Winner-Loser* concept… What race are we running anyway? (Assuming we're all running the same one!)

19. I like to believe that I am yet to find the true love of my life… I don’t give up on finding THE one. Only time will tell if it's meant to be...
20. Sometimes I can be a total nervous wreck! Huge *thanks* to my loving ones for their immense patience.
21. My next goal is to finally learn to speak German properly. Some day I'd love to study photography... Just for the pleasure of it!
22. I'm a pretty good listener, but I can hardly manage to give a good answer.
23. I’d love to travel around the World for at least a couple of years or so… Anyone has the money and wants to come along?
24. I don’t really care where I’m heading, my main goal is to enjoy the journey wherever it takes me.
25. My motto (and probably my favourite song!) is... "LET IT BE".

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Living is easy with eyes closed

I can't wait to watch "Vivir es fácil con los ojos cerrados" ("Living is easy with eyes closed"). The movie premiere took place in San Sebastian's Film Festival in September, but it's officially released today. 

The story portraits a teacher who motivates his English students by using lyrics from Beatles songs in 1966 Spain.  He finds out John Lennon is in Almería shooting a movie and he decides to meet him on location, so he arranges a trip there and on his way he meets a 16 year old boy who has just run away from home an a 21 year old girl who is also running away from something. Amonng the three of them a unforgettable and timeless friendship will be born...

Happy Halloween!!

Thursday, October 24, 2013



"EderMac" was born as a word game (I love them!), it was just a nickname that I created for fun. And now it feels "more me" than my real name (does that make any sense?) 
With this new mask* I started my InstaGram account, which is the only app I've been "faithful" to... Besides, I think I am best described by my pictures than by my words, so if you really want to know more about me, you can find me here: EderMac on IG
(*) "My friend, I am not what I seem. Seeming is but a garment I wear — a care-woven garment that protects me from thy questionings and thee from my negligence.
The 'I' in me, my friend, dwells in the house of silence, and therein it shall remain for ever more, unperceived, unapproachable..."  - Khalil Gibran -


I guess I'm going through a creative phase in this part of my life... I may not be good, but I sure am having fun!!

Cardboard box made from scratch
Toilet paper roll pillow box

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Explanations are in order

  Someone may be wondering why I'm writing "so much" these days... Easy question, easy answer: I'm on holiday! Yes, a relaxing holiday (no money to go anywhere exotic at the moment) which will hopefully provide me with enough time to think about some things (--> I'm feeling like it, too!!) and to forget about some others. [Plus] I have to take advantage of the fact that I'm staying somewhere which allows me to have internet on my computer (no more WiFi at home due to restrictive budget adjustments).
  I'm also enjoying taking pictures (some strategic problems have caused an unexpected absence of my camera, so it's "just" me & my iPhone), writing, resting and creating my Christmas cards. It may seem too soon for this latter task, but once I go back to work, I won't have the time (or the energy!) to make them --> In case you didn't know it, all my cards are strictly hand-made (and full of love!).
  The picture below best describes my current morning efforts to get out of bed... Sluggishness at its finest!! (but isn't that what holidays are for?)

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Reasons to believe

  This 2011 Coca-cola commercial still brings tears to my eyes. I loved it the first time I saw it and I still love it today!!
  I know this company is not a nice example in MANY areas and I deeply disagree on MANY of their policies, but I still felt the need to post this video --> Just because one sees the negative side of something, there's no reason to deny the POSITIVE part of it.
  I guess I'm making a huge effort to try to find the "ying" and the "yang" in everything and everyone these days...

Mr Wonderful

  I have recently discovered a Spanish online shop... Mr Wonderful
  I must confess I fell in love with it/them instantly. And it's not only their products that I like, but mainly their philosophy, full of optimism and good vibes  (something which is not easy to find these days). They inspire me to be more creative and help me to bring a smile to my face almost every day.
  One of the owners (Angi) writes a quite inspiring blog which she updates daily (even though she had a baby girl about a month ago!): muymolon.com, which is full of WONDERFUL ideas and suggestions (one day I may even translate some of them...)
    They're the perfect example on how to do good in times of crisis  (imagine their courage: they both quit their jobs to follow their dream!!) and I wish them and their newborn all my best!!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

The more things change, the more they stay the same

It looks like I cannot be faithful to any of the social nets for long. For me, it all started with MySpace (which, so far, has been my second favourite), but I stopped using it because the FaceBook fever started, which was great for a while and allowed me to re-connect with some of my long-lost US family and friends... But then FB got popular in Spain and it ruined the whole thing for me. Now I only log in once or twice a month at the most. Before "leaving" FB (well, technically I haven't left it, but... you know) I had a hard time getting used to Twitter but, guess what?!, it became my third favourite social network. The first one is... Instagram! And, by the looks of it, it will be the only one where I will be posting anything regularly... Although, who knows? I'm the queen of procrastination!! IG wasn't my first attempt to share my passion for photography (I used to post my pictures on Fotolog before that), but having an iPhone helped a lot in this process. Of course, I also started blogging a couple of years ago and... Look how well I've done! Four entries in 2012 and this one is my third this year! Leaving aside my "procrastination issues", I must confess I can't keep my "loyalty" to any of these networks/apps, because with time they all have been losing what I felt was their true essence. They were born as something special, but I feel time and people ended up "corrupting" them. I will keep using them (of course!), but I don't feel the "need" to be on-line all the time anymore...

Do what you love


    I've started an online workshop on "learning how to do what you love"... Gee! I forgot how good it feels to dream about doing the things that you love!
    The main premise of it all seems to be: What would you love to do if money wasn't a variable in life's equation? Nice scenario, but hardly realistic. I like to think money isn't an important thing for me, but there are basic needs that have to be fulfilled to keep on going (roof & food to name a few!) and, whether we like it or not, the "energy" that makes most engines work is money...

    That's why I think the starting point shouldn't be rephrased to: What would you love to do if money wasn't the main variable in life's equation?

Monday, September 16, 2013


You're in, then you're out
You're up, then you're down
You're sure, then you're doubt
You're bleak, then you're clown
You're plenty, then you're drought
You're white, then you're brown
You're calm, then you're shout
You're lost, then you're found
You're then, then you're now