Sunday, November 27, 2011

WSR : Weird Sunday Reflection

Ups, downs, wrongs, rights, lefts, mergers, elections, decisions, random moves, ankle that hurts, brother getting older (wow!), healthy food, music discoveries, failed reading plans, creativity, inspiration, "El Barco", new people on the net, same people at work (for now...), tons of invoices, balance reports, painful memories, the sight of unavoidable Christmas celebrations, iPhone photographs, basketball, cold weather (loving it!), time passing by relentlessly,... That's what I call life these days!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Enlightening week

This week I have spent a lot of time in the kitchen. Everything I made was then "tested" at the office and I have been given rave reviews! My work colleagues have even suggested that I should try to open a raw & vegan place to share these "inventions" (as they call them) on a larger scale. That was funny for me to hear. I have been "seriously" thinking about it, trying to imagine what it would be like... Not an easy decision to make, that's for sure. Still, while giving it some thought I have discovered there might be "light" beyond my present job.

Lemon Poppy Seed Loaf with Honey Glaze
Macadamia Cacao Raw Pudding

Quinoa-Banana-Coconut-Cacao Cookies

By taking my baked (or raw) goods to the office I'm not trying to say "do what I do". I'm just saying "this is what I've chosen to do and I want to share it with you". So, if you freely decide to join me, all I can say is: Welcome to my world!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

"For whom the bell tolls"

No, I'm not going to write about one of my favourite Metallica songs or even about that other lovely ballad from the Bee Gees. This entry is about the book.

I think I'll finally have the time to catch up on some reading.

There are some literary jewels that I have been wanting to read forever and this is one of them. Some might think it is unforgiveable not to have read it yet (I do!), because... Gee! It's Hemingway! And it's about the Spanish Civil War... but things are not always as easy as they seem and, as with most matters in life, there's is a right time for (almost) everything.

I know I haven´t been ready to read this book until... now!

I've always been far more interested in the American Civil War than in our own. I simply didn't understand the reasons that lead to our crazy blood spilling conflict. Thirty-some years later in my life, I'm beginning to understand some of them (yes, I know, I'm "kind of" slow...)

I also wanted to read this book in English, because, from what I hear, the expressions Hemingway uses when trying to translate directly from Spanish idioms and the swearing are fascinating. I guess I'll soon find out!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Back to reality

I thought that coming back to work was going to be really hard. Instead, it has turned out to be a nice and gentle experience...
The adjustment-makers (whoever they are) are delaying the decision about what is going to happen to all of us after December. So what I have "chosen" to do is not to worry, be happy and enjoy my job while it lasts. Why am I going to get desperate right now over something that I don't even know if it's going to happen or not?

Yesterday was a confusing day, but I find that to be extremely normal, considering the amount of days that I've been disconnected from paperwork and discussions. However, when I got home I had enough energy to cook a vegan "Blueberry Bliss Cheesecake" that I brought to the office today (huge success, by the way!).

Here's the link to the recipe:
(you should know my work colleagues are all non-vegan and everyone loved it!)

Today I had a non-stress work morning (with cake!), a nice lunch with a nice colleague, a magnificent home-made vegan latte and I've come back to work in the afternoon (most Thursdays I have to work afternoon/evenings as well).
I've also had great success avoiding the negative energy that some people were giving off and now I'm taking advantage of my little break to write this short blog.
This evening, once I get out of the office, I'll relax at home and will enjoy Mario Casas on tv...