Harrison Ford has been "with me" since I was... What? 5-ish? Well, since I went to see "Star Wars" for the first time, anyway. I was a Han Solo fan from the very beginning, although everyone around me seemed to be unconditional Luke Skywalker followers.
I feel he's almost a member of the family by now. He has "earned" that right! Paul McCartney is another "honorary" member too (don't you just love my family!!). I guess that's why I keep watching his movies over and over (and over and over again).
I watched "Morning Glory" again yesterday and I liked it (again). It did not get good reviews from the critics when it was first released in Spain, but I have never been known for "following the crowd", least of all critics.
The first reason I like it is because it shows his grumpy side, although... The third worst person in the world? Come on!
And the most important reason why I totally enjoy it is because it tells you a story about first opportunities and new opportunities... which everybody should have.
It's also about loving a job that becomes weary over monotony, some jealousy on the part of a few not-so-nice colleagues and bosses who undervalue you. Anyone familiar with that situation? Me! Me! Me! Me!
If you had been working with me for the past 12 years, you would have seen me change. I used to be soooo nice at work! And now I'm becoming a grouch. Does that mean it is time for a change? Maybe!
That's something to think about over the weekend, huh? (Just kidding!) I hope everybody has a nice one!! Don't think too much!!